From this page you can directly access our product sections. You can purchase one of our exoskeletons in two available sizes. S/M and M/L.
What is the ‘Muscle Suit’?
The Muscle Suit is an innovative Japanese-made exoskeleton designed to help workers become more productive and improve their working conditions. It is also a great way for people with mobility difficulties to enjoy freedom in their daily lives and activities such as gardening or DIY.
The Muscle Suit is designed to be used by men and women of all ages, not least because it weighs only 3.8 kg and has an intuitive and simple donning system.
Technical Description
Types Tipi | Soft fit / Tight fit Vestibilità morbida / Aderente |
Sizes baes on height (recommended)Taglie in base all’altezza (consigliato) | Small/Medium 150-165cm Large: 160-185 cm Piccolo/Medio: 150-165 cm Medio/Grande: 160-185 cm |
Product weight Peso del prodotto | 3,8 kg (not including cover) 3,8 kg (Copertura esclusa) |
Driving force Forza motrice | Compressed air Aria compressa |
ActuatorAttuatore | McKibben Artificial muscle Muscolo artificiale McKibben |
Compressed air supply method Metodo di alimentazione dell’aria compressa | Manual ari pump Pompa aria manuale |
Assistive force Forza assistiva | 25,5 kgf (100 Nm 25,5 kgf (100 Nm) |
Operating temperature Temperatura di esercizio | -30 ℃ ~ 50 ℃ -30 ℃ ~ 50 ℃ |
Dustproof / waterproof performancePrestazioni antipolvere / impermeabili | IP56 IP56 |
Product dimensions H x W x D Dimensioni del prodotto H x L x P | Small/Medium: 805 mm / 465 mm / 170 mm Medium/Large: 840 mm / 465 mm / 170 mm Piccolo/Medio: 805 mm / 465 mm / 170 mm Medio/Grande: 840 mm / 465 mm / 170 mm |